The Global Oligarchy

Politics and Economics

Where does the Power Really Lie?

Global Integration

There are many forces at work creating on Earth a new global village. In the current village, power appears divided among nation states. The question that arises is whether, with greater integration of planetary life in most areas, we can expect a companion integration of power of governance over the residents of the planet?

One force leading to world integration is rapidly advancing technology.

Another force is the rise of multi-national corporations in major economic areas, which have no national allegiances….they determine their own paths, and then try to influence the existing power brokers to set things up to favour them and their goals of profit maximization. These are vehicles of individuals who have some power in a limited domain. The goals of these individuals are most often driven purely by self-interest – to improve the status/wealth of these individuals within their own domain.

We see that the change in national cooperation as integration continues is reflected in national cooperation in the United Nations, and its many operating sections.

The Control Issue

The issue of interest to the ordinary planetary citizen is whether this rich elite of the world have designs beyond economic power? They must have certain global features in place for them to be successful, and often control over these features rests with national political power. A theory known as vertical integration would postulate that it would be in the interest of the wealthy elite to take control of the political system, since then they would not be dependent to continue their world strategy on wild card government fickleness. National governments could decide not to cooperate, and pose road-blocks to “progress”.

There are wealthy humans that are the directing minds behind all the international conglomerates… is they that work out the strategies for profit maximization on the economic front, and national borders are no obstacle……..they can get the national levers of power to act in their interest. The interesting fact is that all these wealthy elite directing minds think the same way.

Dare we assume they know each other? Dare we assume that they talk world business with each other? Dare we assume that they cooperate economically through their corporations, and in helping influence political activity for the benefit of some friend (And his/her corporation)? If they require from the political sector, certain concessions to operate at maximum velocity, dare we assume that they are entering into a role affecting governance? And if so, why does the political sector cooperate? Dare we suggest that these directing minds work in concert to get their political needs met? Dare we assume it is because they in fact have some control over parts of the political governance in the world?

If there is no deliberate conspiracy of elite individuals, then is there just a subconscious direction of the like-minded to assert world power so as to maximize the benefit to themselves, the owners/shareholders of these profit-making vehicles?

Which is it? And whichever it is, how far implemented is it at this point in world integration?

What evidence is there, if any, that might point to the fact that the wealthy elite are pursuing direct or indirect control of national political power, and thus global power (This is referred to as “world oligarchy” – rule by the wealthy elite of the world)?

Some Publicly-known Global Elite Organizations

Here are some of the known public organizations of the elite, none of which will acknowledge any role in attempting to govern the planet (Though they clearly state their goals of “influencing” certain aspects of global life):

  1. Tri-lateral Commission:

Founded – 1973
Founder – David Rockefeller
Type – Annual conference
Location – Washington, D.C. (main meeting place); Paris; Tokyo
Members – More than 390
Key people – Joseph S. Nye, Jr. (North American chairman)
Yasuchika Hasegawa (Pacific Asian chairman)
Jean-Claude Trichet (European chairman)
Website –

Stated Purpose originally – to foster closer cooperation among North America, Western Europe, and Japan. [Wikipedia]

Current purpose (Or companion purpose) – ??

  1. The Bilderberg Group, Bilderberg conference, Bilderberg meetings or Bilderberg Club

This is an annual private conference of 120 to 150 people of the European and North American political elite, experts from industry, finance, academia, and the media, established in 1954.

Goal – The group’s original goal of promoting Atlanticism, of strengthening US-European relations and preventing another world war has grown; the Bilderberg Group’s theme is to “bolster a consensus around free market Western capitalism and its interests around the globe” [Wikipedia]

Current Purpose (Or companion purpose) – ??

  1. The Mont Pelerin Society (MPS)

This is an international organization composed of economists (including eight winners of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences), philosophers, historians, intellectuals, business leaders, and others committed to their understanding of personal and political freedom.[2]

Founders: included Friedrich Hayek, Frank Knight, Karl Popper, Ludwig von Mises, George Stigler, and Milton Friedman.[2]

Original Purpose: The society advocates freedom of expression, free market economic policies, the political values of an open society. The members see the Society as an effort to interpret in modern terms the fundamental principles of economic society as expressed by those classical economists, political scientists, and philosophers who have inspired many in Europe, America and throughout the Western World. [Wikipedia]

Current Purpose (Or companion purpose) – ??

Global Governance Questions

  1. Are these many world forces in many different areas of human life and governance totally random and disconnected?
  1. Is the new global village that is developing the simple result of ungoverned world chaos and lack of planning, and individuals and groups simply operating to improve their wealth and status in their local area?
  1. Are there some calculating human minds, observing and aiding the rush to globalization? Is this because they see an opportunity to exert greater control over human life?
  1. Is there any type of “conscious, deliberate cooperation” between these minds to somehow gain greater world governance control?

What do you think? Let’s look further at the competing arguments around “the conspiracy theory”.

The Common Ideology Theory

Some argue that the allegation that there is some concrete “conspiracy”, by one or more elite human organizations, is false and totally unfounded. Their explanation for what is currently being seen re power in globalization is different. Below is a sample argument put on Facebook re this topic. It seems clear and fairly well-argued:

Jake Jacobs Fb Comment – 16/12/27

“Lest anyone be tempted to stay down conspiratorial paths, there is no “they” as in: the Illuminati; the Elders of Zion; the Trilateral Commission (well, there is one of those, but it doesn’t control the world in an Oliver Stone sense); etc.[This article delves into these references further below]

But there are elites whose mindset has been shifted to a neo-liberal view, one where profit maximization is viewed as part and parcel of the greater good. And there were and are people who worked to promote that view, from the Mount Perlerin Society to the Koch brothers.

Along the way, the military and industrial and energy and financial conglomerates have merged. If CNN and the NYT help promote Bush’s war (as they certainly did) it isn’t because the government controls them, but because they are part of interlocking circles of influence. And when guys like Bush and Cheney launch wars that happen to look as though they will benefit oil companies (though how’d that work out?), it isn’t that Exxon-Mobil calls with marching orders. It is all part of the “What’s good for General Motors is good for America” mindset.) (Or what’s good for Israel is good for America – again, not because Netanyahu pulls strings, though he has a few he can pull – but because guys like Paul Wolfowitz genuinely believe that if we change the regimes from Libya to Iran, the world will wear a big smiley face.)

There is an interesting book called “Voltaire’s Bastards” that described how we ended up where we are. One of the key figures was Robert McNamara, who among other brilliancies, decided that what the arms industry needed was economy of scale. We’d get our arms cheaper, and the excess could be sold to our “allies.” What if they couldn’t afford to buy from our loyal companies lick Lockheed-Martin? That’s what foreign aid is for. The Middle East, from Egypt to Afghanistan is tooled up better than the Latin Kings on Saturday night because … what’s good for Raytheon is good for the USA.”

The World Conspiracy Theory

Here is one of the main alleged “secret” organizations of the elite which is conspiring towards global control (It is sometimes thought to be a matrix of similar secret organizations), and its modern existence is extrapolated from various pieces of anecdotal evidence:

The Illuminati (plural of Latin illuminatus, “enlightened”)

This is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776.

Original Goal – The society’s goals were to oppose superstition, obscurantism, religious influence over public life and abuses of state power. “The order of the day,” they wrote in their general statutes, “is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them”.[1]

History – The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict, by the Bavarian ruler, Charles Theodore, with the encouragement of the Roman Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787 and 1790.[2] In the several years following, the group was vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that they continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.

Many influential intellectuals and progressive politicians counted themselves as members, including Ferdinand of Brunswick and the diplomat Xavier von Zwack, who was the Order’s second-in-command.[3] It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning dukes of Gotha and Weimar.[4]

Modern View – In subsequent use, “Illuminati” refers to various organisations which claim or are purported to have links to the original Bavarian Illuminati or similar secret societies, though these links are unsubstantiated. They are often alleged to conspire to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in government and corporations, in order to gain political power and influence and to establish a New World Order. Central to some of the most widely known and elaborate conspiracy theories, the Illuminati have been depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power in dozens of novels, films, television shows, comics, video games, and music videos. [Wikipedia] The New World Order or NWO (As a conspiracy theory) – refers to the emergence of a totalitarian world government.[3][4][5][6][7]

The common theme in conspiracy theories about a New World Order is that a secretive power elite with a globalist agenda is conspiring to eventually rule the world through an authoritarian world government—which will replace sovereign nation-states—and an all-encompassing propaganda whose ideology hails the establishment of the New World Order as the culmination of history’s progress. Many influential historical and contemporary figures have therefore been purported to be part of a cabal that operates through many front organizations to orchestrate significant political and financial events, ranging from causing systemic crises to pushing through controversial policies, at both national and international levels, as steps in an ongoing plot to achieve world domination.[3][4][5][6][7]

Before the early 1990s, New World Order conspiracism was limited to two American countercultures, primarily the militantly anti-government right and secondarily that part of fundamentalist Christianity concerned with the end-time emergence of the Antichrist.[8] Skeptics such as Michael Barkun and Chip Berlet observed that right-wing populist conspiracy theories about a New World Order had not only been embraced by many seekers of stigmatized knowledge but had seeped into popular culture, thereby inaugurating a period during the late 20th and early 21st centuries in the United States where people are actively preparing for apocalyptic millenarian scenarios.[4][6] Those political scientists are concerned that mass hysteria over New World Order conspiracy theories could eventually have devastating effects on American political life, ranging from escalating lone-wolf terrorism to the rise to power of authoritarian ultranationalist demagogues.[4][6][9]” [Wikipedia]

We believe the modern world first heard of this concept publicly from a major world politician from USA President, George H.W.Bush (Bush Senior). But research on this concept had been going on for some time. Partly it had arisen out of the rapid globalization of our world, and the rise of the new technologies. The research above shows very old roots to this concept.

Note two other applications of NWO [from Wikipedia]:

  1. New world order (politics), any period of history evidencing a dramatic change in world political thought and the balance of power
  2. New world order (Bahá’í), a body of teachings of the Bahá’í Faith

Note: In this context, some often raise that the conspiracy to govern the globe is a world Jewish conspiracy. Here are the roots of this seemingly refuted view:

The Protocols of the Elders of Zion (Russian: Протоколы сионских мудрецов) or The Protocols of the Meetings of the Learned Elders of Zion

This is an anti-Semitic fabricated [Proved false by the Times of London in 1921] TEXT [emphasis added] purporting to describe a Jewish plan for global domination. The forgery was first published in Russia in 1903, translated into multiple languages, and disseminated internationally in the early part of the 20th century. According to the claims made by some of its publishers, the Protocols are the minutes of a late 19th-century meeting where Jewish leaders discussed their goal of global Jewish hegemony by subverting the morals of Gentiles, and by controlling the press and the world’s economies.[Wikipedia]

The New World Order – Concept or Fact?

The issue is whether NWO is just a critically important concept for our future as we become more globalized, OR, in addition, whether there is a “deliberate conspiracy” of some unknown group, with a secret agenda to implement the NWO concept, to their advantage?

Is it of importance to note the views of former USA President John F. Kennedy on this issue? See below – 7 days before Kennedy was assassinated (It should be noted that the veracity of this statement and its attribution to the USA President has been challenged):

“There is a plot in this country [USA] to enslave every man, woman and child. Before I leave this high and noble office, I intend to expose this plot.”

Canada’s Economic System – Evaluated


Canada: New (Not pre-owned) Detached House in Toronto (Provincial Capital), Ontario (Province): Average price (As of Nov. 30/16): $1.24 million Canadian

Is there something wrong with this picture? Is this what Canadians want for their young adult children?

The Best Economic System (Actually in national use; not theory)

We think that general world opinion is that countries with democratic socialism (the Scandinavian countries in particular – NOTE: Canada is not, and has never been, democratic socialist in its economy (It is only “socialist”in its aspect of socialized medicine – but this has popularly led to the world lumping Canada with the Scandinavian type of economy) surpass countries of wild west capitalism (USA; Russia; England; etc.) on many fronts.

Some Quality of Life Evaluation Factors re Competing Economic Systems

Canada came # 2 (Interestingly….after Sweden, a Scandinavian country with Democratic Socialist Economic System) in the list of world’s most “reputable” countries (USA did not make the top 10).

When world surveys are done to find the countries with the best overall quality of life, the Scandinavian countries are always at the top:

Re Denmark (Another Scandinavian Country) – In a recent meme, a teacher from Denmark, who had lived in the USA, noted that she, now back in Denmark, pays higher taxes, but gets so much more in terms of quality of life/human services, than she ever did in the USA. She goes on to list all the differences: education; daycare; holidays; maternity leave; old age pensions; medical costs (Doctor; hospital, drugs, etc.); job security; etc.

Capitalism Compared

So, yes, there are alternatives to pure capitalist economic implementations nationally, and they are better, not worse (Though rabid capitalists certainly see them as worse because there is higher taxation, for the benefit of society, and greater regulation for the protection of the general society, from them).

Is it that those with a vested interest in capitalism have convinced the majority that they too can get wealthy under the system, just like they have, and the majority are buying it (Just like buying a lottery ticket)? And the majority therefore tolerate that their system provides extremely unequal benefit, but that they hope one day to be on the winners’ side?

Would seem so, though most hard to believe such an analysis. Anyone have any other explanation of what is going on re world-wide (Almost) acceptance of wild west capitalism? If so, we’d love for you to comment below…..maybe you can start a discussion to follow up on our article?

The USA Divide Unfolds (Pt. 2)

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The USA Divide Unfolds (Part 2)

(For earlier time period, see same title (Part 1) – Dec. 16.

Peaceful/Non-violent Civil Disobedience

We, and our journalist, as a retired lawyer, fully support non-violent civil disobedience (No damage to property nor injury to person) against laws which are immoral/anti-social, even if being legitimately passed by the majority……..have we ever known the majority to pass any immoral/anti-social/anti-human laws?…….well, let start in the USA with segregation and add broken aboriginal treaties, and banning abortion and gay marriage……need we go on?

The Mindset for Peaceful/Non-violent Civil Disobedience

But we also hold, as some people espousing civil disobedience do not, that you must, when you start out, be willing to accept the implementation of the law and the state penalty against you (Where lawful) for your breach of law….get ready to be arrested and go to jail, to be charged, to be convicted, and then sentenced…..hopefully not by some kangaroo court.

The USA Progressives’ Movement

There is already forming up, the base for a USA Progressives’ Movement (USA PM), non-partisan, which is going to keep the Republicans feet to the fire through the expected four years of regressive/repressive “legitimate” legislation/Presidential edict. We do not believe the Democratic Party is in any position to lead such opposition, and are not sure it would be a good thing for them to try, objectively (Though they may see political benefit in being in such position; and despite former Democratic Nominee Candidate, Bernie Sanders, trying desperately to attract his constituency into joining the “New” Democratic Party).

Free speech is going to be tested with fire in the USA. We should all hope that we do not see violent repressive state/police brutality, backed by the ruling elite, and supplemented by criminal behaviour of government supporters/thugs.

Vocal Protest

Yes the “results” of a legal, legitimate election are to be accepted”……..Trump is president…… recall……for four years (But there is a legitimate progressive’s strategy to focus on the mid-term elections in 2018, to start the change process).

So… what are realistic expectations? Just look at the Republic Policy Platform they’ve had for years; then throw in Trump’s racism, xenophobia, misogyny which he has now integrated into the program (It may be that it was already there in some form, but he has now enhanced it, and made it the new normal). And what do you expect from an oligarchical Administration of billionaires and millionaires, except “Let them eat cake”?

Already, specifically declared Trump campaign policies have been legitimately demonstrated against, even when the formally of taking office was still days away. There has been a people’s attempt to convince Congress not to cooperate with the Administrative Sector of government on odious law passing. It is not necessary to be gored, before taking action against the bull. But from watching the public interaction between the Administration-elect, and the current Congress, it seems to us that expecting opposition from Congress is like asking the fox not to eat the chickens it is guarding.

We will see demonstrations in future, as we’ve mentioned above, by a new non-partisan community of progressives.  It may be that such opposition will not be a monolith – we expect multi-groups, with multi-leaders, but all on the same page. It will rival the public opposition of the anti-Vietnam era (Most will be legal, constitutional free speech events; some, we predict, will move beyond that to non-violent civil disobedience, and state over-active repression in implementing the law; unfortunately, some with descend into violent civil disobedience).

Free Speech & Right of Assembly/Protest

The USA citizen has the right to protest immoral potential laws that are coming. It is not civil protocol that because the Administration and Congress agree on passing something, it is moral. It may be that it is unconstitutional and will need the USA Supreme Court to strike it down…..but someone, some group, somewhere will have to initiate the court action. And the USA is not currently, as almost always, governed by a majority of USA citizens. With the USA current first-past-the-post system, they have arrived at the somewhat normal result that only 1/4 of the population has managed to gain control of the total system of governance (Republican: 25%; Democrat: 25%; Unwilling to, or uninterested in, deciding [didn’t vote]: 25%).

The USA Future – the Next Four Years (2017 – 21)

The USA is entering a more divided and volatile era than they have for years…maybe hearkening back to the era of the anti-war years, the anti-segregation years, and right back to their civil war. It is not going to be pretty, no matter how many platitudes are spoken by whomever.

16/12/26 – Flawed Democracy: The reality is that under the USA electoral system (And that of many other first-past-the-post “democracies”), we can have, as in this case, the 25% right wing minority (Those voting for Trump) governing with dictatorial power, over the other 75% of the population (25%: Clinton; 50% refusal to vote). Does this at all raise an issue of reform of democratic election systems?

16/12/26 – Flawed Democracy:  There is nothing in the USA Constitution that grants American voters the right to choose their president.

Aboriginal Spirituality in the Modern Age


Our Future Human Society

In other contexts, we have been discussing what will be the style of life of the ordinary human in the future jobless society, where, it is argued, most will be on a guaranteed annual income, at a low level, with no strings attached. This jobless society will be mainly the result of Artificial Intelligence/Robotics. As well, some areas of the globe will experience worse job loss than others, as international corporations providing the remaining jobs, move to countries most favourable to maximizing profit.

Also, currently, we have seen the disappearance of many, many species from our planet. We have generated pollution to the extent that the air in some metropolitan areas is at times not breathable. Arguably, we are headed to suicide for us, and all our co-species, through human-caused climate change. Will this continue apace, or faster, as we move towards this new human order of things?

An Assist

Chief Joseph, North American Aboriginal Leader:

“The earth is the mother of all people, and all people should have equal rights upon it.”

Although this statement is targeted towards the question of human equality, the underpinning of it is the basic aboriginal spiritual concept that it is Mother Earth who takes care of all people.

The aboriginal spirituality has influenced us to the view that humans cannot continue to live and “progress” by implementing principles in direct opposition to Mother Earth. Our planet has a natural balance, and it seems that this will provide for all species on it for some time yet. But as we stray away from acting in coordination with natural principles, we start to limit the Earth’s sustaining the life on it. We need only look at the negative natural consequences (listed in the second paragraph above) that we have generated, to see the extent to which we are departing from the core belief of aboriginal spirituality.

Future Human Lifestyle

Though many on the planet, are coming to recognize the importance of what aboriginal spirituality teaches, we do not think that there will be any return to traditional aboriginal life-styles of hunting, fishing, small scale farming. We think AI/Robotics are already reducing those jobs, like many others.

Rather, the modern life-style will become much simpler, perhaps with little paid employment, and still embracing modern technology, but working to actively counter the negative sides of it. It is likely that the average standard of living will have fallen from what we now might think of as “western middle class” to what today we might term “Western working class” – but recognize that most on the planet currently live well below the latter, in what we think of as “abject poverty”.

But all will have a basic sustainable income, on a relatively low budget; the needs for shelter, food, clothes, transportation and communication will be met. But there will likely be little that can be saved by the let’s say 90% on the bottom. Some on the planet will have fallen, so all could rise. We will leave for the moment, the issues related to the continued existence of the minority, top, wealthy, elite 10%.

What will be unclear though, in our view, is the extent to which, in our future society, with such dramatic changes, “religion/spirituality” will have survived in one form or another.

The Ascending Role of Aboriginal Spirituality

What, we think, the aboriginal spirituality highlights to the rest of us today is the principle: “the preservation of the basic Earthly structure of nature must be maintained”.

Technology and “Progress” cannot just trample this fundamental principle of survival. This spirituality has the unexpected aspect of directing us on the most fundamental of scientific issues……how to survive long-term.

If it is this principle that will be ever more enshrined in the human approach to “progress” and “planetary survival”, might we not expect that it will be more honoured, its generators will be seen in higher regard, and this whole aboriginal spiritual matrix will become of more interest, and more influence?

Input of We Planetary Citizens

What do others think of aboriginal spirituality (We are here relating to North American aboriginal spirituality, which is what we are most familiar with, and about which we, at this point, acknowledge we have but a rudimentary knowledge). It would be interesting to hear comments on aboriginal spirituality as it presents itself in other parts of the globe.

We always encourage viewers to comment on our musings? We hope outside comments may entice others to make some contribution…….in this way, we can all learn from each other, and we will have been pleased to start the dialogue.



“What is truth?” – Pilate, the Roman in power, asks the man who is the inspiration for a future world religion, Jesus Christ of Nazareth.

“Though all the winds of doctrine were let loose to play on the earth, so Truth be in the field, we do injuriously, by licensing and prohibiting, to misdoubt her strength. Let her and Falsehood grapple; who ever knew Truth put to the worse, in a free and open encounter?” – John Milton

“The mind seeks to wrap itself around truth” – philosopher/theologian St. Thomas Aquinas

CLCC Observations on Truth

Good People

Love motivates good people towards the goal of establishing the truth and spreading it, to the benefit of all.


We believe that good people can indeed be deceived, and thus they believe they are following the truth, unaware that it is a lie. But eventually contrary evidence will appear, and then they must revisit their initial judgement.


Normally good people can decide, for selfish purposes, to avoid truth, and to claim things are not clear re what is true. They can then deliberately follow what they know is false, still claiming it to be true. But we also believe that these fundamentally good people do eventually self-correct. They eventually concede their personal immoral mistake, and then take steps to again get lined up with the truth, as they initially had been.


However, in politics, we believe it is quite true that the truth is often hard to find. There are so many influencing factors, and final judgment as to position often is determined by the ranking of the priority factors, for that individual……..wrong perception can result from trauma, unacceptable consequences of a good priority badly implemented, etc. So the person, based on negative experiences, comes to a wrong judgement about what is true………but they are in fact attempting to “wrap their minds around truth”.

The Dark Side

For those captive to the dark side of the force, it is not a goal to establish the truth and spread it. Theirs is a different agenda, and truth is only used where it benefits the anti-social goals.


North Dakota Access/Bakken Pipeline, USA


North Dakota Access/Bakken Pipeline
Owner: Dakota Access, LLC, a subsidiary of the Dallas, Texas corporation Energy Transfer Partners, L.P (ETP).
Issue: Breach of the Standing Rock Sioux of North Dakota Aboriginal Sacred Land Property Rights
Protest Location: Just outside the Reservation boundary.
Protest Rationale: The pipeline has been controversial regarding its necessity, and potential harm to the environment. (Wikipedia)
Some Protest History – A number of Native Americans in Iowa and the Dakotas have opposed the pipeline, including the Meskwaki and several Sioux tribal nations. In August 2016, ReZpect Our Water, a group organized on the Standing Rock Indian Reservation, brought a petition to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in Washington, D.C. and the tribe sued for an injunction. A protest at the pipeline site in North Dakota near the Standing Rock Indian Reservation has drawn international attention in response to the thousands of people who are protesting the pipeline construction and how they have been treated by local and state authorities. (Wikipedia)
ETA’s Security Excessive Use of Force against Non-violent protesters:

The New USA

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The New USA

What the critics from many groups don’t get, is that what is said about the new powerful in Washington is really irrelevant to them (regardless of any apology).

These motley collection of scary people have climbed their way slowly up the system in their own areas of expertise; they have been promoted, despite obvious baggage….our system allows this. And Trump has now hand-picked them and elevated them from among many objectively better people….because of ideology. And some of the new novice powerful have jumped the queue, because they fit in to the new team so well, again, regardless of any baggage.

Implementation of ideology is all that it is about, and if you have POWER, you can do it………no matter what diatribe the free press, free speech or free world goes on.

The new Trump Administration and the Congress (House of Representatives; Senate), Republican Party controlled, claim to be on the same page. The Speaker of the House, Paul Ryan, maybe now the second most powerful Republican (Who would not initially endorse his own party’s nominee), after an early meeting with the President-elect, agreed that the team was now ready to “hit the ground running”.

We fear it is going to be even scarier than we predict.

The USA Divide Unfolds (Part 1) * Peaceful/Non-violent Civil Disobedience – We, and our journalist, as a retired lawyer, fully support non-violent civil disobedience (No damage to property nor injury to person) against laws which are immoral/anti-social, even if being legitimately passed by the majority……..have we ever known the majority to pass any immoral/anti-social/anti-human laws?…….well, let start in the USA with segregation and add broken aboriginal treaties, and banning abortion and gay marriage……need we go on? * The Mindset for Peaceful/Non-violent Civil Disobedience – But we also hold, as some people espousing civil disobedience do not, that you must, when you start out, be willing to accept the implementation of the law and the state penalty against you (Where lawful) for your breach of law….get ready to be arrested and go to jail, to be charged, to be convicted, and then sentenced…..hopefully not by some kangaroo court. * The USA Progressives Movement – There is already forming up, the base for a USA Progressives Movement (USA PM), non-partisan, which is going to keep the Republicans feet to the fire through the expected four years of regressive/repressive legitimate legislation/Presidential edict. Free speech is going to be tested with fire in the USA. We should all hope that we do not see violent repressive state/police brutality, backed by the ruling elite, and supplemented by criminal behaviour of government supporters/thugs. * Timing of Vocal Protest – Yes the “results” of a legal, legitimate election are to be accepted”……..Trump is president…… recall……for four years (And there is a legitimate progressive’s strategy to focus on the mid-term elections in 2018). So… what are realistic expectations? Just look at the Republic Policy Platform they’ve had for years; then throw in Trump’s racism, xenophobia, misogyny. What do you expect except “Let them eat bread”. Specific Trump policies can be legitimately demonstrated against, now, before he takes office, in an attempt to convince Congress not to cooperate with the Administrative Sector of government on them. It is not necessary to be gored, before taking action against the bull. And, as we have noted above, we will see demonstrations in future by a new non-partisan community of progressives (The Sanders soft Democrats will be there) that will rival those of the anti-Vietnam era (Most will be legal, constitutional free speech events; some, we predict, will move beyond that to non-violent civil disobedience, and state over-active repression in implementing the law). * Free Speech & Right of Assembly/Protest – The USA citizen has the right to protest that which is immoral becoming law NOW. It is not civil protocol that because the electoral college agreed on something (And they did not agree on a whole package and every item – you vote for parts that you like, and hold your nose on the rest), it is moral. And the majority of Americans (If we want to get picky) rejected Trump soundly (What was the popular vote total?) Isn’t the electoral college a historical aberration of the USA democratic process that the American’s should consign to the dung heap of history, like Canada and FPP election structure?) * The USA Future – the Next Four Years (2016 – 21) – The USA is entering a more divided and volatile era than they have for years…maybe hearkening back to the era of the anti-war years, and right back to their civil war. It is not going to be pretty, no matter how many platitudes are spoken by whomever.

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16/12/18 – Trump has declared some future policies; some Californian’s peacefully demonstrate against them.

16/11/29 –  Southern Poverty Law Center Reports ‘Outbreak of Hate’ After Election

16/11/16 – Emboldened Racism – There Have Now Been More Than 400 Racist Incidents in the U.S. Since Election Day

16/11/13 – Emboldened White Supremacy – Confederate flags (a symbol of slavery and white supremacy) were paraded at California Veterans Day parade – the alt-right has become emboldened

16/11/11 – Emboldened White Supremacy – The Loyal White Knights of the Ku Klux Klan of North Carolina will be holding a victory parade for Trump’s State win.(Note: We are checking our source on this since there is a possibility this is Social Media “false” News – any help is appreciated)

16/11/24 – Mass Opposition – Mass mobilization sought against elite interests/Trump policies

16/11/19 – Mass Opposition – Senator Bernie Sanders calls on millions of Americans, at the grassroots level, to come together to oppose Trump politics of division and policies.

16/11/16 – Mass Opposition – California pro-migrant groups mobilize after Trump win

16/11/10 – Mass Opposition – The night after the election (Nov. 9), thousands of USA citizens took to the streets to protest the coming Trump Presidency

16/11/9 – Mass Opposition – Anti-Trump Rallies Spring Up Across the USA

16/11/19 – Outgoing President Obama supports free speech and the right to protest.

16/11/16 – While Trump is tending to matters of state in his New York Trump Tower, the surrounding sidewalks have become a cacophonous plaza, luring out-of-town visitors, curious New Yorker’s, angry protesters and a scrum of reporters.

16/11/15 – Liberal political organizations say contributions, volunteers and new members have ballooned in the wake of Donald Trump’s election

16/11/10 – If you voted for Trump because he’s ‘anti-establishment,’ you face disappointment – Trump’s potential Cabinet: Republican politicians and corporate plutocrats — same as in any past Republican administration.

16/11/14 – Is there a future in the USA for a new party of the real left, the USA Progressive Party? Should it initially form up as a non-partisan USA Progressive Movement during the early years of the coming Trump Presidency?

16/11/13 – The Future of USA under President Donald Trump: Close to 1/2 of Americans have negative feelings; over a third have positive feelings.

16/11/13 – California versus President Trump

16/11/10 – Hundreds of High School Students in San Francisco Area Stage Anti-Trump Walkout

16/11/9 – Trump Elected: Vote Share: 25.5%; Did not vote Share: 46.9%. Governance by the minority.

The Trump Presidency Unfolds


16/12/19 – The 5 Easiest and 5 Most Difficult Promises for Donald Trump to Keep

16/12/13 – Interior Secretary – Ryan Zinke, Montana’s At-Large House Representative; first term; has frequently voted against environmentalists; former Navy SEAL.

16/12/12 – Secretary of State – Rex Tillerson, Exxon Mobil CEO; Trump was unconcerned about the businessman’s close ties with Russia in the oil industry.

16/12/6 – Secretary of State List: Former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman: Former Ambassador to China from 2009 to 2011; was a missionary in Taiwan (Still claimed by China).

16/11/20 – Secretary of State List – Past Republican Presidential Nominee, Mitt Romney, possible: Pence.

16/12/12 – Energy Secretary – Rick Perry, Former Texas Gov. and former 2016 Republican Presidential Nominee Candidate

16/12/8 – Leader of Department of Homeland Security: Retired Marine Gen. John Kelly

16/12/7 – Leader of the Small Business Administration: Linda McMahon – she and her husband, Vince, founded and built World Wrestling Entertainment; when she left their company, she began a start-up to encourage more women business owners; she ran unsuccessfully twice as a Republican for a U.S. Senate seat in Connecticut.

16/12/7 – Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency: Scott Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general and a close ally of the fossil fuel industry

16/11/29 – Climate Change – Climate science denial is Trump’s ‘default position’: Reince Priebus, Trump Chief of Staff

16/11/23 – Climate Change – NASA Climate Research – will be defunded

16/11/14 – Green Energy – Trump will not move to revoke wind and solar subsidies

16/11/9 – Climate Change: Top Climate Skeptic, Myron Ebell, will lead EPA Transition.

16/12/2 – Trump’s Cabinet – wealthiest administration in U.S. history

16/12/2 – Defence Secretary: James Mattis – Law prohibits him taking office; waiver must be passed.

16/12/2 – Defense Secretary – Gen James “Mad Dog” Mattis, a former marine who served in Iraq and Afghanistan; has been an outspoken critic of the Obama Middle East policy.

16/11/30 – Surveillance of the Public – FBI to gain expanded hacking powers (An attempt in the Senate to block it failed)

16/11/30 – Commerce Secretary – Wilbur Ross – a billionaire, with no prior government experience; outspoken critic of free trade agreements

16/11/29 – The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA): Congress will soon be voting on a compromise version of a $618.7 billion U.S. defense policy bill.

16/11/29 – Head of the Department of Transportation:Veteran Republican, Elaine Chao.

16/11/29 – Department of Health and Human Services – Georgia Representative Tom Price – a fierce “Obamacare” critic who has championed efforts to privatize Medicare.

16/11/15 – Health – Obamacare, Medicare and Medicaid – will be gutted and privatized

16/11/29 – Treasury Secretary – Steven Mnuchin – long-time Trump acquaintance, former Goldman Sachs partner, working in hedge funds; a financier with Hollywood ties.

16/11/29 – Labour Secretary – Republican congressman Lou Barletta of Pennsylvania .

16/11/27 – Freedom of the Press – Some Trump statements about the media in recent months: 1. journalists are “despicable and dishonest,” “crooked” and “liars”; 2. professional protesters against Trump are being “incited by the media” — a dangerous political narrative is starting.

16/11/26 – Conflict of Interest – On Dec. 19 when the Electoral College meets, it MUST reject Trump unless he sells his business: top ethics lawyers for former President Bush and current President Obama

16/11/25 -Deputy National Security Advisor – KT McFarland: served as Fox News analyst; holds that global Islam threatens Western civilization. (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation News Alert)

16/11/24 -Education Secretary – DeVos – Qualification Profile – Dubious

16/11/24 – Education Secretary –  Betsy DeVos, school voucher advocate and billionaire

16/11/24 – United Nations Ambassador – South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, a former critic, and an international novice with little foreign policy experience; 2nd woman named to Trump team

16/11/23 – Taxation – Lily Batchelder, a law professor and tax expert at New York University – “The Trump tax plan is heavily, heavily, skewed to the most wealthy, who will receive huge savings. At the same time, millions of low-income families – particularly single-parent households – will face a tax increase.”

16/11/22 – Housing Secretary – Physician Ben Carson (Republican Nominee Candidate)

16/11/22 – Stock Market – The stunning market rally since Donald Trump’s election continues

16/11/22 – 6 policy plans Trump outlined for his initial time in office

16/11/21 – Ethics in Government – “On ethics reform, as part of our plan to drain the swamp, we will impose a five year ban of executive officials becoming lobbyists after they leave the administration. And a lifetime ban on executive officials lobbying on behalf of a foreign government,” Trump said, reiterating a policy his transition team announced earlier this month.

16/11/21 – Economy – Former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers: Trump’s economic plans could ‘cripple government for a generation’

16/11/10 – Economy – Dow jumps to record high as hope grows that Trump would lift economy.

16/11/19 – Current National Security Agency Director, Admiral Michael Rogers: The U.S. government’s top military and intelligence leaders have recommended that before he leaves office, President Barack Obama should remove him from office (He is currently Trump’s choice to be the new National Intelligence Director).

16/11/18 – Internal Security – National Intelligence Director – Current National Security Agency Director, Admiral Michael Rogers

16/11/19 – World Economy: De-globalization –What will the global future look like?

16/11/18 – Chief of Staff – Reince Priebus – a Washington insider broadly accepted by vast swaths of the Republican party

16/11/18 – The Cabinet –  people whose names have been floated for Trump’s Cabinet

16/11/18 – International Security – CIA Director – Michael Pompeo – currently represents Kansas’ 4th Congressional District in the House of Representatives.

16/11/18 – Internal Security (??) – Internment camps for Japanese citizens in WW2 cited as a precedent for creating a USA Muslim Registry..

16/11/18 – Attorney-General – Republican Senator Jeff Sessions

16/11/17 – National Security – Retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn to be National Security Advisor – will advise on complicated global issues, including the unfinished campaign against the Islamic State, the expansionist agenda of China and rising aggression from Russia.

16/11/16 – International Trade – Trump’s trade policies would be most damaging to average American households on modest incomes—the very group whose interests Mr Trump claims to represent.

16/11/15 – Trump’s executive transition committee has had little success soliciting names and résumés for potential administration posts and is more than a month behind schedule.

16/11/15 – Within days Trump has rowed back or ditched 9 election promises

16/11/15 – Steve Bannon, Chief Republican Strategist – a not-so-nice profile

16/11/14 – Cabinet/Advisers – Chief Strategist, Steve Bannon – Holds extreme alt-right views, and his news company, Breitbart, is often accused of racism.

16/11/15 – Congress – House Republicans nominate Paul Ryan speaker for next Congress. ABC News Tweet

16/11/10 – Congress & Administration Cooperation – House of Representatives Speaker, Paul Ryan (A lukewarm supporter of Trump) – met with President-elect Trump: “We had a fantastic, productive meeting about getting to work.”

16/11/14 – Family Life – Trump backs same-sex marriage but not abortion

16/8/4 – Education – Vice-President-Elect, Mike Pence, Wants Creationism Taught In Public Schools

16/11/10 – Foreign Policy – Trump’s foreign policy approach almost same as that of Putin: Kremlin

16/11/10 – Republican Party Platform already being re-shaped by Trump Victory

16/11/10 – Education: The American Association of University Professors: cited education statements and policies made/proposed by Trump that would threaten academic freedom.

16/11/9 – Everything Donald Trump Has Promised to Do on His First Day as President

16/11/9 – Human Rights: Trump will roll back Obama’s LGBT rights protections.

16/11/9 – Against all odds, against Multi-Media bias (According to some), and against all pollsters (At least, almost all), the 45th President-Elect of the United States of America is businessman/media personality Donald Trump! He takes official office and effective power in January, 2017 (There is about a 2 month transition period).

USA National Presidential Election: Republican Party Nominee: Donald Trump


16/11/6 – New record: Donald Trump said 40 false things on final Saturday over 4 campaign events

16/11/4 – A poll sampled after the FBI’s intervention suggests Trump is now much more trusted than Clinton

16/11/3 – Trump Toronto Hotel; into bankruptcy; repeated scenario of big promises, glitzy image, a Russian-born financier, aggrieved smaller investors – but few losses for the mogul!

16/11/2 – 370 Prominent Economists, Including Eight Nobel Laureates: ‘Do Not Vote for Donald Trump’ – he promotes ‘magical thinking and conspiracy theories’

16/11/2 – Donald Trump said 19 false things on Monday, Oct. 31 in 2 campaign events in Michigan

16/10/31 – Rogue Tech Billionaire, Peter Thiel, of Silicon Valley, Defends Trump — And Says He’s Not Alone!

16/10/31 – Trump needs a dramatic final-stretch rebound in states where the Democratic nominee appears to have the upper hand to get to the magic number: 270 Electoral College Votes.

16/10/31 – Donald Trump has a path to electoral vote victory again thanks to Florida (But Hillary is still very close to winning).

16/10/30 – Business Insider: David Cay Johnston: ‘There’s very good reason to believe Trump’s been engaged in tax fraud.’

16/10/25 – Texas (Polls) – Trump a few points ahead of Clinton.

16/10/25 – Donald Trump ties his record: 37 false claims in one day’s campaign events – Oct. 24 (same as in the last debate)

16/10/25 – Trump Cites Police, Military, ICE Endorsements That Didn’t Happen

16/10/24 – Polls show more Americans agree with Donald Trump than Hillary Clinton on abortion policy

16/10/24 – On Oct. 23, in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, Trump unveiled his ‘100 DAY PLAN’ (for his first 100 days in office, if elected)

16/10/24 – The New York Times: All of Donald Trump’s insults from the campaign (2 full pages)

16/10/23 – Donald Trump made 20 false claims on Saturday, Oct. 22 (3 Campaign Events)

16/10/20 – Trump: 37 false claims in 3rd & last debate (16/10/19)

16/10/14 – All living USA ex-Presidents (6) have recommended NOT voting for Trump.

16/10/13 – Healthy democracies depend on unwritten rules. Donald Trump has trampled all over them

16/10/13 – Trump campaign rocked by new wave of sexual harassment allegations

16/10/12 – Creating a very negative public image?

16/10/12 – Trump declares war on Republican Party 4 weeks before Election Day

16/10/11 – The Republican nominee has given up the conventional wisdom of trying to reach voters far outside his core of support

16/10/11 – The Tape & Trump

16/10/1 – Despite controversies, Trump unlikely to change his behavior – what works, works!

16/9/30 – David Duke (Former KKK Leader and HR Candidate) Says He and Donald Trump Have the Same “White Power” Message; Trump claims ignorance re Duke!?

16/9/29 – Trump continues to perpetuate a refuted (In June) Google conspiracy theory that it hides negative Clinton search results..

16/9/29 – 16 false things Trump said in first Presidential Debate (Wed., Sept. 28)

16/9/28 – How Charles and David Koch plan to remake the Republican Party (With Trump on the outside).

16/9/27 – The Least Qualified Nominee for President Ever?

16/9/27 – Could the US seize Iraq’s oil to defeat ISIS, as Donald Trump advocates? Fact Check: Not really!.

16/9/27 – Political Expert: 13 Reasons Donald will win!

16/9/23 – Trump Overlooks Major Problems With Tactic of “Stop & Frisk”

16/9/22 – Trump more blatantly racist; supports ‘stop and frisk’ policy; will end violence in black communities by giving police more power.

16/9/21 – 69 percent of American voters say they have concerns about Donald Trump’s comments and language on women, immigrants and Muslims, including more than half who have “major” concerns

16/9/20 – Black communities in the US are “absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before.”: Trump

16/9/16 – USA National Rifle Association – To spend $ 15M in key states to defeat Clinton

16/9/15 – Why Trump isn’t actually that close to winning: The Electoral College Problem

16/9/15 – Donald Trump backs access to birth control without a doctor’s prescription

16/9/15 – Ivanka outshines Donald?

16/9/14 – The campaign is not about qualifications. It’s about public appeal. Trump is not applying for a Rhodes Scholarship. In the age of infotainment, he’s running for votes.

16/9/14 – Trump is the least transparent U.S. presidential candidate in modern history.

16/9/14 – Trump says he will liberate USA’s poorest citizens from Crime, Poverty, Violence

16/9/14 – Trump leading in Florida; confirmation of lead in Ohio

16/9/14 – The Candidates’ competing child care policies.

16/9/14 – Donald Trump’s campaign blasts New York attorney general’s inquiry into Trump Foundation.

16/9/14 – Donald Trump has narrow lead over Clinton in Ohio: poll.

16/9/12 – Republicans distancing themselves from Trump’s stated views on Russian President Putin

16/9/6 – Trump refuses to disclose Tax Returns (The Common Practice) – What might they show?

16/9/6 – 88 former military leaders backing Donald Trump